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The Napoleon Festival celebrates Napoleon through Film Screenings, conferences, Performances, and ceremonies in the elegant setting of the Cinema Club de l'Etoile in Paris. Created by baritone and producer David Serero, this festival presents for its first year the screening of two legendary films dedicated to Emperor Napoleon: AUSTERLITZ by Abel Gance and WATERLOO and Sergei Bondarchuk, in a fully restored version. A unique opportunity to see these two films on Napoleon on a large cinema screen to admire the cinematographic reconstructions of these two legendary battles. There will also be a conference: NAPOLEON ET LE CINEMA, with one of the world's most excellent specialists on Napoleon: Mr. David Chanteranne. Napoleonic songs, Napoleon's War Speech, and love letters to Josephine, were performed by baritone David Serero. A ceremony during which the Napoleon Festival Prizes will reward several personalities, during this year of Napoleon's bicentenary. The Festival Napoleon is in partnership with the City of Paris.


1 pm: Screening of the film "AUSTERLITZ" by Abel Gance (1960).

4 pm: Conference "NAPOLEON ET LE CINEMA" with David Chanteranne.

6 pm: Napoleonic Songs, Napoleon's War Speech, and Love Letters to Josephine, performed by David Serero.

8 pm: Ceremony - Prizegiving for the Napoleon Festival.

8:30 pm: Screening of the film "WATERLOO" by Sergei Bondarchuk (1970) in a restored version.


LOCATION: CINEMA CLUB DE L'ETOILE (14, rue Troyon, 75017 Paris)

DATE: Sunday December 5, 2021 from 1 p.m.

The price for each event is 10 euros (The pass for the whole day is 30 euros).

Information on

Screening of the film AUSTERLITZ by Abel Gance:

Legendary film on Napoleon, released in 1960, duration of 2h 46min. With Pierre Mondy, Jean Marais, Martine Carol. 18O2. Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor. Ulm's victory has just been won, and the eagle is at its zenith. A new campaign is being prepared. The battle will take place. It will be Austerlitz, the most complete victory of the French Emperor.

NAPOLEON ET LE CINEMA conference with David Chanteranne:

The Emperor's fascination with cinema for over a century has never ceased. From a few extracts selected from the thousand films listed, this presentation will show the feelings inspired by the Emperor on the big screen, between devotion and repulsion. Because the Seventh Art, with surprising distributions (from Charles Vanel to Philippe Torreton, via Pierre Mondy, Marlon Brando or Raymond Pellegrin), and under the direction of very diverse directors (Gance, Ford, Guitry, Vidor, Scott, Chahine, de Caunes...), offered at each period "his" Napoleon.

Historian and journalist, editor-in-chief of Napoleon 1er Revue du Souvenir Napoléonien, David Chanteranne is the director of the Bertrand de Châteauroux Museum. Author of numerous books, he recently published The Twelve Deaths of Napoléon (Passés Composés, 2020), Napoléon. The last witnesses tell (with Jean-François Coulomb des Arts, Éditions du Rocher, 2021), Napoleon emperor of the island of Aix (Éditions du Trésor, 2021) and Napoleon the Icon (Le Charmoiset, 2021).

Concert / Reading of Napoleonic Songs, War Speeches, and Letters of Love to Josephine, by baritone David Serero

Baritone and actor David Serero is an artist on international stages. Aged 40, this artist has already given nearly 2,500 concerts and performances worldwide in more than 45 countries. He has appeared in over 100 films and TV series, recorded over 50 albums, and performed over 50 lead roles (in multiple languages) on stage in opera, theater, and musicals. He distinguished himself in New York in the roles of Shylock, Cyrano, Othello, Barabas, Yiddish King Lear, Don Giovanni, Figaro, Romeo, Nabucco... and Paris with Don Quixote (L'Homme de La Mancha). His concerts and shows broadcast on TV channels worldwide reach an audience of over 30 million viewers and on radio stations with nearly 18 million listeners. In 2017, David Serero entered the prestigious WHO'S WHO (American Edition) for outstanding achievements in the world of entertainment as well as for his contribution to the well-being of contemporary society. In 2019, he received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Morocco Culture Trophy, and was named one of the 15 most influential Moroccans in Morocco by the Royal Air Maroc. In 2018, he became a member of the RECORDING ACADEMY - Grammys and TELEVISION ACADEMY. In 2020, he received the Diversity Trophy from UNESCO. In 2021, he won 4 BroadwayWorld Awards in New York, including Best Performer of the Decade, Best Producer of a Musical (Anne Frank, a Musical), Best Producer of a Play (Romeo and Juliet, in his adaptation), Best Opera Singer of the Year. That same year, the Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, presented him with a Certificate of Recognition from the City of New York, for his contribution to the cultural landscape of New York, for having enriched the performing arts sector, high and inspired various New Yorkers. He is the founder, artistic director, and producer of several film and music festivals. He received the Best Arranger and Producer Award from the Palm Beach International Music Awards. Passionate about Napoleon, he has already played and recorded this historical character on several occasions: Napoleon by Stanley Kubrick (performed in New York in 2018) and recorded Les Discours de Guerre de Napoleon, Lettres d'Amour à Josephine, and his theater play "I, Napoleon," all available online. He created the Napoleon Festival and presented its first edition in 2021 at the Cinema Club de l'Etoile.

Napoleon Festival Ceremony and Award Ceremony:

A ceremony to reward various personalities for their work on Napoleon as well as in the world of arts and culture.

Screening of the film WATERLOO by Sergei Bondarchuk: Presented in its new, fully restored version, WATERLOO is a Soviet-Italian historical film by Sergei Bondardchuk shot in English and released in 1970, lasting 2 hours and 14 minutes. It deals with the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. The film begins with the 1814 abdication of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, after the French campaign of 1814 and the restoration of the French monarchy of King Louis XVIII. He then traces the Hundred Days, the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, and the clash between the two commanders in chief, the Duke of Wellington and Emperor Napoleon I, at Waterloo, Belgium.

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